
How It Works

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How It Works for Car Sales Professionals

Sign up and view a list of vehicles that buyers are looking for. Carleado will send real time vehicle requests to your dashboard. For most vehicles you get to see the make, model, maximum price and maximum kilometres for the vehicles our buyers are looking for. You also get to see if we have some finance information available from the buyer.

If you see something that matches a vehicle on your car lot, just click on "Quote". It is free to quote. You earn Carcoins for every offer sent. Carcoins are automatically redeemed for free buyer connections.

Your offer immediately shows on the Buyers Dashboard. They will review your offer and add it to their shortlist if they are interested. You will only be charged $5.00 for a buyer connection if the buyer shortlists your offer.

As soon as the buyer shortlists your offer, we send you the full contact details for the buyer and if we have it on file, you get access to the finance information provided by the buyer.

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